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Lancashire Professional Development Service helps educational settings like schools and academies to realise the full potential of their children and young people, by providing professional training, bespoke consultancies and inspiring resources. All of our curriculum resources are designed by highly experienced teaching and learning consultants.




Lancashire Professional Development Service helps educational settings like schools and academies to realise the full potential of their children and young people, by providing professional training, bespoke consultancies and inspiring resources. All of our curriculum resources are designed by highly experienced teaching and learning consultants.
LPDS National Curriculum Assessment Materials - Foundation Subject - Art & Design

LPDS National Curriculum Assessment Materials - Foundation Subject - Art & Design

Written by the Lancashire Professional Development Service (LPDS) Teaching and Learning Consultants, these assessment materials are directly linked to the expectations of the National Curriculum and will enable class teachers and senior leaders to track the progress and attainment of children against ‘End of Year Expectations’ in the Foundation Subjects. These materials have been written to inform planning and support high quality teaching and learning across the primary phase whilst at the same time providing a simple and time effective method of assessing the learning of children from Years 1 to 6 in the Foundation Subjects. We are now pleased to be able to offer these documents for individual subjects. These materials are compatible with the Lancashire Electronic Tracking tool and include: Foundation Subjects - End of Year Expectations Art and Design
LPDS National Curriculum Assessment Materials - Foundation Subject - Art & Design

LPDS National Curriculum Assessment Materials - Foundation Subject - Art & Design

Written by the Lancashire Professional Development Service (LPDS) Teaching and Learning Consultants, these assessment materials are directly linked to the expectations of the National Curriculum and will enable class teachers and senior leaders to track the progress and attainment of children against ‘End of Year Expectations’ in the Foundation Subjects. These materials have been written to inform planning and support high quality teaching and learning across the primary phase whilst at the same time providing a simple and time effective method of assessing the learning of children from Years 1 to 6 in the Foundation Subjects.
Examining Teaching and Learning in ... Art and Design

Examining Teaching and Learning in ... Art and Design

Intent, Implementation and Impact of your curriculum! These documents will support subject leaders and senior leaders in reflecting on the provision for the different subjects within your school curriculum and how these meet the specific needs of your children. This reflects the emphasis on the whole curriculum in the Ofsted inspection framework from September 2019. The aim of the Examining Teaching and Learning in… documents is to provide subject leaders with a precise evaluation of the provision for their subject. Once conducted, the information can then be used as a basis for: the subject improvement plan; a discussion during an Ofsted inspection; a position statement report to the governing body; and general discussions about the subject with senior leaders and teachers in school. The questions and prompts within the resources have been carefully designed to ensure consistency in a school’s approach to evaluation by the subject leader whilst also focusing on the individual characteristics of each subject area. They can be independently used by schools or be provided as part of a subject specific ‘Health Check’ provided by one of the Lancashire Teaching and Learning Consultants.
EYFS: Expressive Arts and Design - Loose Parts / Painting

EYFS: Expressive Arts and Design - Loose Parts / Painting

We are delighted to offer two mini publications as an extension of the EYFS: A Framework to Support Curriculum Planning publication. They will further enhance the ideas provided in the publication, however they can also be used in isolation to provide inspiration for the teaching of ‘using loose parts’ and ‘painting’ within the expressive arts and design part of the EYFS curriculum.
Art and Design Progression

Art and Design Progression

Written by Alison Kirk (Associate Consultant for Art and Design), Art and Design Progression from LPDS builds on the Lancashire Key Learning for Art and Design by introducing suggested Year Group Expectations within each of the separate areas of media that children should work with across Early Years and the Primary phase. It exemplifies progression in the eight areas covered. Schools should aim to cover up to 3 different media types each year, and ensure wide coverage of media across each age phase (EYFS/KS1, LKS2 and UKS2). Therefore, the expectations within any given year group should be considered alongside those of the adjacent year group in the same age phase.
Examining Teaching and Learning in ... Full Set

Examining Teaching and Learning in ... Full Set

12 Resources
Intent, Implementation and Impact of your curriculum! These documents will support subject leaders and senior leaders in reflecting on the provision for the different subjects within your school curriculum and how these meet the specific needs of your children. This reflects the emphasis on the whole curriculum in the Ofsted inspection framework from September 2019. The aim of the Examining Teaching and Learning in… documents is to provide subject leaders with a precise evaluation of the provision for their subject. Once conducted, the information can then be used as a basis for: the subject improvement plan; a discussion during an Ofsted inspection; a position statement report to the governing body; and general discussions about the subject with senior leaders and teachers in school. The questions and prompts within the resources have been carefully designed to ensure consistency in a school’s approach to evaluation by the subject leader whilst also focusing on the individual characteristics of each subject area. They can be independently used by schools or be provided as part of a subject specific ‘Health Check’ provided by one of the Lancashire Teaching and Learning Consultants. Subjects included in this bundle: Art & Design Computing Design Technology English Geography History Mathematics Languages Music Physical Education PSHE Science